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Transcendental Meditation and Diabetes Relief

Transcendental Meditation and Diabetes Relief : Combat Blood Glucose Naturally

Last Updated : January 8, 2024
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Are you or someone you care about dealing with diabetes?

It can be tough. But here’s something you might not know: a practice called Transcendental Meditation (TM) could be a big help. 

In our fast world where diabetes is becoming more common, it’s vital to understand how things like meditation might help manage it.

This article is here to guide you through the maze of diabetes and understand the connection between transcendental meditation and diabetes relief. 

We’ll talk about different types, what causes it, and what might help. But hold on, this isn’t just about diabetes facts. We’ll also explore how Transcendental Meditation, an ancient practice, can make a difference.

Table of Contents


Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by elevated levels of glucose in the blood, affecting the body’s ability to produce or use insulin effectively. It is crucial to understand the types, symptoms, and causes of this disease to manage it properly.


Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes, which is more common, occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t produce enough.

There is also Gestational Diabetes, which can develop during pregnancy.

Read our article on Transcendental mediation and alcohol abuse from here.

What Are the Symptoms of Diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes often include, but are not limited to:

  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing sores

In type 2 diabetes specifically, symptoms may develop gradually and can be subtle or seemingly non-existent at first.

Causes of Type-1 Diabetes

  • Autoimmune Response: The immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, leading to little or no insulin production.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Certain genetic factors increase the risk of developing type 1 diabetes, though not everyone with these genes will develop the condition.
  • Environmental Triggers: Exposure to certain viruses or environmental factors might trigger the autoimmune response in individuals genetically predisposed to type 1 diabetes.
  • Unknown Factors: Some aspects contributing to the development of type 1 diabetes are still unknown, and research continues to explore other potential triggers or factors.

Causes of Type-2 Diabetes

  • Insulin resistance
  • Genetic predisposition and family history
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Poor dietary habits (high sugar/fat intake)
  • Obesity or excess body weight
  • Stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels)
  • Age (risk increases with age)
  • Ethnicity (higher risk in certain ethnic groups)
  • Gestational diabetes (during pregnancy)
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

Meditation and Diabetes Management

Managing diabetes involves a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle modifications, and research indicates that incorporating meditation can be beneficial. Various techniques, such as mindfulness and transcendental meditation, are explored to better understand their impact on diabetes.

Which Meditation is Best for Diabetes?

Studies suggest that particular types of meditation programs such as Transcendental Meditation (TM) and Mindfulness Meditation have been analyzed for their efficacy in managing type 2 diabetes. TM, in particular, emphasizes the achievement of inner peace and has shown evidence-based results.

Can Meditation Control Diabetes?

Although meditation isn’t a cure for diabetes, it can be a useful adjunctive technique. It can aid in stress reduction, which in turn may have a favorable effect on blood glucose control.

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Thus, as part of a broader diabetes management plan, including a meditation technique can contribute to overall well-being and glucose regulation.

How To Manage Diabetes With Meditation?

Managing diabetes with meditation involves regular practice and integrating it with existing treatments. Mindfulness exercises can help focus attention and promote relaxation, which can help reduce stress-related glucose spikes. A simple meditation routine could be:

  1. Find a quiet space
  2. Sit comfortably and close your eyes
  3. Focus on your breath
  4. When distracted, gently return focus to your breath
  5. Continue for 10-20 minutes daily

Meditation Options for Diabetes and Blood Glucose Levels

Different meditation options exist for individuals with diabetes looking to stabilize blood glucose levels. These include guided meditation, mindful breathing exercises, and yoga, each offering unique pathways to managing stress and potentially influencing glucose control.

Blood Glucose Levels

Benefits of Meditation for Diabetes and Blood Sugar

The practice of meditation can promote the regulation of stress hormones like cortisol. Evidence suggests structured programs like TM and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) can invoke a relaxation response beneficial for diabetes management.

  • Stress Reduction: Meditation can help reduce stress, which can lower cortisol levels and aid in managing blood sugar levels for individuals with diabetes.
  • Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Regular meditation practice may enhance insulin sensitivity, assisting in better glucose regulation.
  • Blood Sugar Control: Meditation can contribute to better blood sugar control by promoting relaxation and reducing spikes in glucose levels.
  • Enhanced Overall Well-being: Meditation fosters a sense of well-being, potentially improving mental health and aiding in diabetes management.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Adherence: Regular meditation often encourages better lifestyle choices, including healthier eating habits and increased physical activity, which are vital for diabetes management.

Yoga and Diabetes

Yoga, which often includes meditative practices, combines physical postures with breathing exercises and meditation. Research indicates that yoga can enhance overall quality of life and may improve several markers of diabetes management, such as reducing insulin resistance.

Meditation for Gestational Diabetes

Meditation may also serve as a supportive tool for managing gestational diabetes. Focusing on techniques that promote relaxation and stress management can be an effective non-pharmacological adjunct to traditional gestational diabetes treatments.

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (TM) has been explored for its potential health benefits, including its influence on Type 2 diabetes management and prevention.

The transcendental meditation program is a form of silent mantra meditation, developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It involves the practice of sitting comfortably with one’s eyes closed for 20 minutes twice a day.

Transcendental Meditation

The technique is characterized by effortlessness and its principle of allowing the mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience pure awareness, also known as transcendental consciousness.

How can the Transcendental Meditation technique influence patients with Type 2 diabetes?

Research suggests that the regular practice of TM may improve the ability to control Type 2 diabetes. This might be due to the stress reduction properties of TM, as both physiological and psychological stress can exacerbate diabetes. One study showed a significant decrease in blood sugar levels in patients who practiced Transcendental Meditation.

Does practicing TM help lower insulin resistance?

While studies are not conclusive, there is evidence that TM may help in reducing insulin resistance, a condition where cells in the body do not respond effectively to insulin. This reduction could stem from TM’s role in decreasing the stress response, which is known to negatively affect insulin sensitivity.

Can the Transcendental Meditation technique decrease my risk of diabetes?

It is proposed that TM may lower the risk of developing diabetes by mitigating stress, which is a risk factor for the onset of diabetes. However, the exact relationship and the extent to which TM might decrease the risk remains to be further studied.

The beneficial effects observed could be part of a holistic approach to health that includes diet and exercise, with TM being a supportive component.

Transcendental Meditation in Diabetic Patients

Transcendental Meditation (TM) has been evaluated for its potential benefits in managing diabetes, particularly through stress reduction and improved physiological functions related to glucose regulation and heart health.

Transcendental Meditation in Diabetic Patients

Glucose Regulation

Studies suggest that TM may improve the neurophysiological integration which helps in returning the body to a state of balance. This balance is critical for people with diabetes as it can influence glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

In diabetic care, managing blood glucose is essential, and TM might offer an adjunct approach to support traditional diabetes treatments.

Can Transcendental Meditation help those suffering from diabetes?

The regular practice of TM may positively affect the control of diabetes. Experts believe that TM helps reduce the physiological and psychological stress that often exacerbates diabetic conditions. Addressing stress is a crucial aspect of diabetes management, and TM offers a non-pharmacological option that might complement existing medical interventions.

Stress Reduction and Diabetes Management

Chronic stress has a tangible impact on diabetes, potentially leading to higher blood glucose levels and difficulty in managing the condition. TM, as a stress reduction technique, might help diabetic patients by minimizing stress-related rises in glucose levels and improving overall well-being, thus playing a role in comprehensive diabetes care.

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Diabetes and Heart Health

Diabetics are at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, and stress management techniques like TM might be particularly beneficial in reducing this risk. The calming effect of TM could translate into better cardiovascular health outcomes for diabetic patients, potentially lowering the incidence of stress-induced cardiac complications.

Effects of Transcendental Meditation on Diabetes Biomarkers

Transcendental meditation (TM) has been associated with the improvement of various biomarkers in individuals with diabetes. The following subsections detail the impact on insulin sensitivity, beta-cell function, and inflammation markers.

Effects of Transcendental Meditation on Diabetes Biomarkers

Insulin Sensitivity

Transcendental meditation has been observed to potentially enhance insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients. Regular TM practice may help to stabilize blood sugar levels by improving the body’s ability to use insulin effectively.

Beta-Cell Function

The practice of TM may also be beneficial for beta-cell function, which is critical in the production and release of insulin and affects the insulin level of the body. Some findings suggest that the relaxation and stress reduction from TM can contribute to the preservation of beta-cell viability.

Inflammation Markers

Reduced stress levels through TM have been linked to lower levels of pro-inflammatory markers. For individuals with diabetes, decreasing such inflammation markers could be vital in managing the disease’s progression and complications.

Scientific Studies and Clinical Trials

Recent studies have begun to explore the potential benefits of transcendental meditation on individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Clinical trials aim to investigate the efficacy and safety of meditation practices in this context.

Scientific Studies and Clinical Trials

1. Transcendental Meditation, DiabetesMellitus and Other Disorders

This journal [1] discussed the overview of type-2 diabetes and how transcendental meditation can help to reduce it through meditation. 

  • Prevention of Diabetes: Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Ayur-Ved offer effective tools in preventing diabetes and its complications.
  • Simplified Dietary Guidance: Maharishi Ayur-Ved simplifies dietary advice, facilitating easy application and addressing glycaemic control effectively.
  • Impact on Insulin Resistance: Transcendental Meditation directly affects insulin resistance while addressing underlying psychological and social causes.
  • Broad Health Benefits: These techniques potentially alleviate major health issues like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, strokes, and inflammatory conditions.
  • Upliftment and Healing: Above all, their greatest contribution lies in uplifting the spirit and healing the soul.

2. Effects of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Transcendental Meditation on Components of the Metabolic Syndrome in Subjects With Coronary Heart Disease

  • Background: Metabolic syndrome contributes to coronary heart disease (CHD), with stress-related neurohumoral activation as a possible factor.
  • Objective: The study aimed to assess Transcendental Meditation (TM) impact on metabolic syndrome and CHD in 103 stable CHD subjects.
  • Methods: 16-week randomized trial comparing TM with health education (as control), measuring blood pressure, lipoprotein profile, insulin resistance (homeostasis model assessment – HOMA), endothelial function, and cardiac autonomic system activity.
  • Results: The TM group showed beneficial changes compared to the health education group in:
    • Systolic blood pressure (-3.4 ± 2.0 vs 2.8 ± 2.1 mm Hg; P = .04)
    • Insulin resistance (-0.75 ± 2.04 vs 0.52 ± 2.84; P = .01)
    • Heart rate variability (0.10 ± 0.17 vs -0.50 ± 0.17 high-frequency power; P = .07)
  • Conclusions: TM for 16 weeks in CHD patients improved blood pressure, insulin resistance, and cardiac autonomic nervous system tone compared to health education. TM may modulate stress response and be a potential therapeutic target for CHD treatment.


  1. Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, JMVRI: Journal of. “Transcendental Meditation, Diabetes Mellitus and Other Disorders.” Journal of Maharishi Vedic Research Institute 2 (2016): 39–75. 
  2. Paul-Labrador M, Polk D, Dwyer JH, et al. Effects of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Transcendental Meditation on Components of the Metabolic Syndrome in Subjects With Coronary Heart Disease. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(11):1218–1224. doi:10.1001/archinte.166.11.1218

Transcendental Meditation as a Complementary Therapy

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is gaining attention as a beneficial adjunct in the management of diabetes, particularly for its potential to improve metabolic control and reduce stress.

Transcendental Meditation as a Complementary Therapy

Integrating Meditation with Conventional Treatment

In the realm of diabetes management, conventional treatment typically encompasses medication, diet control, and regular physical activity. Incorporating TM into this regimen may offer additional benefits. Research suggests TM can lower blood pressure and improve blood sugar control, complementing standard diabetes care. A study highlighted by the American Heart Association indicates that TM is recommended as an alternative therapy for hypertension, a common comorbidity in diabetes.

Lifestyle Changes and Patient Outcomes

Patient outcomes in diabetes are strongly influenced by lifestyle choices. TM, as a non-pharmacological therapy, has been associated with improvements in lifestyle-related parameters, including stress reduction and better metabolic functioning.

Studies have shown that regular practice of TM may lead to a decrease in the body mass index (BMI), which is a significant indicator of health in individuals with diabetes. For instance, data compiled in a Summary of Scientific Research indicates TM’s positive impact on various chronic disorders, including type 2 diabetes.

  • Lifestyle Parameter Improvements:
    • Blood pressure
    • Blood lipid levels
    • Blood sugar levels
    • BMI
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Regular TM practice can be a powerful tool for those looking to enhance their overall well-being while managing diabetes.

Healthcare Professional Perspectives on Transcendental Meditation and Diabetes

Healthcare professionals are increasingly acknowledging the role of mind-body interventions like transcendental meditation (TM) in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes. Below are insights from various experts in the medical field.

Healthcare Professional Perspectives

Endocrinologist Views

Endocrinologists recognize that stress can significantly impact blood sugar levels and overall diabetes management. Interventions like TM are viewed as potential tools to reduce stress and may contribute to better glycemic control, complementing traditional treatments.

Mental Health Expert Insights

Mental health experts point out that the mindfulness aspect of TM can promote a sense of well-being, which is essential for patients coping with the psychological burden of chronic diseases like diabetes.

Endocrinologist Sandeep Chaudhary, M.D

Dr. Sandeep Chaudhary emphasizes the importance of including stress-reduction strategies in diabetes care plans. He notes that techniques such as TM could help patients achieve more stable blood glucose readings.

Cardiologists Robert Schneider, M.D

Dr. Robert Schneider has found that TM can have cardiovascular benefits which are particularly relevant for diabetes patients, who are at increased risk for heart disease.

César Molina, M.D.

Dr. César Molina, a cardiologist, advocates for TM as a part of a comprehensive approach to treatment, highlighting its potential to enhance heart health in those with diabetes.

Cardiologist Dr. Cesar Molina

Dr. Cesar Molina supports including TM in patient routines to possibly lower stress levels, which can beneficially impact blood pressure and heart rate variability in individuals with diabetes.

Guidelines for Implementing Transcendental Meditation

Implementing Transcendental Meditation (TM) requires a structured approach that starts with comprehensive initial training followed by consistent practice to measure its efficacy, particularly for individuals managing diabetes.

Guidelines for Implementing Transcendental Meditation

Initial Training and Follow-Up

One begins Transcendental Meditation with initial training, which is provided by certified instructors. During a series of detailed sessions, an individual is taught the specific technique of TM and how to integrate it into their daily routine. These sessions typically involve:

  • Personal Instruction: A one-on-one session to learn the TM technique.
  • Group Sessions: To understand the underlying principles and experiences.
  • Follow-Up Sessions: Individuals receive these sessions to ensure proper practice and to make any necessary adjustments.

It’s recommended that TM practitioners maintain regular follow-up sessions to ensure their technique is effective and to provide support for their meditation practice. This typically involves:

  • Regular Check-ins: With a certified TM teacher to refine the practice.
  • Group Meditation: For a shared experience and additional guidance.

Measuring Meditation Efficacy

To gauge the effectiveness of TM, one should track specific metrics over time. These can include:

Psychological Well-being:

  • Stress levels
  • Mood and emotional state

Physiological Health:

  • Blood pressure readings
  • Blood sugar levels

Maintaining a meditation journal or using digital health apps can help in monitoring these changes. For individuals with diabetes, regular consultation with healthcare providers is essential to observe how TM may complement their existing management plan and improve overall well-being.

Read our full article on TM and Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease from here.

Final Thoughts

Transcendental Meditation offers a new approach to managing diabetes, bridging mind and body for potential relief. This article unveils its promise, merging ancient wisdom with modern solutions, and promising hope beyond conventional diabetes care.

FAQs on Transcendental Meditation and Diabetes

What is fasting blood glucose?

Fasting blood glucose is a measure of blood sugar levels after fasting for about 8 hours. It’s a key indicator in diagnosing diabetes and monitoring blood sugar control.

How are glucose and insulin connected?

Glucose is sugar in your blood, while insulin is a hormone that helps regulate glucose levels. Insulin allows cells to absorb glucose for energy, keeping blood sugar levels in check.

What is internal medicine’s role in diabetes care?

 Internal medicine specialists play a crucial role in managing diabetes, offering comprehensive care and treatment strategies to control blood sugar levels and prevent complications.

What are the different types of meditation?

Various meditation types include Transcendental Meditation, mindfulness, guided imagery, and loving-kindness meditation, each offering unique techniques to achieve mental calmness and focus.

How does the American Diabetes Association contribute to diabetes management?

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) provides resources, guidelines, and advocacy to support diabetes research, education, and effective management strategies for individuals and healthcare providers.

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Natalia Miller

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